Enjoy a visit to a Jamaican seed-to-sale cannabis retail store. Learn about the therapeutic properties of the cannabis plant, and partake of its many by-products. After the cannabis store, enjoy lunch at Usain Bolt's Tracks & Records!
Take a ride on Jamaica’s scenic South Coast to one of Jamaica’s most beautiful and spectacular waterfalls, the YS Falls, followed by a visit to Floyd’s Pelican Bar- the ultimate spot to hang with a cold Red Stripe Beer!
Your Falmouth Food Tour is run in collaboration with Falmouth Heritage Walks and offers up a delicious blend of Jamaican food and history.
Go on a journey to the picturesque south coast of Jamaica on a visit to the Appleton Estate, home of the finest rum in the world. Take a tour of the distillery, sit down to taste different rum varieties.
Embark on this captivating journey and experience the rich history, stunning scenery, and warm hospitality of Hampden Estate. Book your tour today!
Take a ride on Jamaica’s scenic South Coast to one of Jamaica’s most beautiful and spectacular waterfalls, the YS Falls, followed by a visit to the Appleton Estate, home of the finest rum in the world!
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